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Saturday 5 November 2016

Our final screenplay script

Below is a copy of mine and Roberts short film script that will be successfully used throughout our film. This screenplay describes the narrative in great detail and includes all of the lines our actors will perform. Camera work descriptions , slug lines and character names are mentioned throughout the script which will help us film each shot correctly.

This final screenplay we have created is very detailed and a very easy to read The main narrative has now been improved due to the screenplay helping us massively with the development of our short film. SO throughout the upcoming filming days we will attend, Robert and myself will thoroughly read through our screenplay script a day in advance to be properly certain we know what we are doing.



Illusion Studios

Written and Directed by Robert Johnstone and Alex Muir

All rights reserved

 Transition: IN


As the camera pulls back from over the shoulder of one of the key criminals from Syndicate International who looks over the busy cityscape, he slowly makes his way over to his car to drive and catch an agent by the name of Jack Savage who he believes is in possession of a clue regarding a secret vault being held in Switzerland. The criminal has hired a bounty hunter named Crimson to track down the agent with the help of two other gang members of Syndicate International.


*Walks towards car. Opens car door and sits inside. Answers the ringing phone*



‘Ve you got him?

(Zeb) Luke

*Talks on the phone. Cross cutting to a different location*

Yeah… we got what you want boss. What should we do with him now? He’s still li’le unconscious.


Alright… Well whatever you do don’t kill’im. I’ll be on my way.

Camera cuts. Titles come in.

Transition: OUT

Transition: IN


Zeb and Finick (Louis) outraged in anger take off the mask on Jack’s head. He slowly regains consciousness after being lugged in the back of a car into an unknown forest location. With no idea where he is or what the two gang members want from him, he begins to plan how he is going to escape from his interrogation. Music begins.

Shot-reverse shots during the interrogation scene. Actors staring at one another.

Jack Savage (Morgan)

*Shakes head. Looks at the two in confusion*

Where am I?


What’s going on her’?

(Zeb) Luke

There is something of yours that belongs to us… We wanted this thing from you before you decided to leave us.

(Jack Savage) Morgan
I have nothing to do with that service anymore. I work alone.

*More shots reverse shots of actors looking at one another*

*Wide, zoom-in shot of the scene*

Camera cuts. Music Cuts Titles come in.

Transition: OUT

Transition: IN


The criminal who has driven his way from the city centre is slowly approaching in his car to the location of where the others are interrogating the agent for this information they want. As he is driving, he pulls out of his jacket pocket a key which he believes is the first part of the missing clue to the vault they wish to explore. He quickly puts the key back and continues to make his way over.

Camera cuts. Titles come in.

Transition: OUT

Transition: IN


Music Continues. Finick exits the scene with the mask in his hands. Drives off in his car. Zeb walks up to Jack and crouches in front of him.

(Zeb) Luke

We managed to track you down following your recent missions to Mexico City. It was later discovered that you have a missing clue to a well-kept vault in Switzerland which we’d like to get our hands on before it’s too late…

(Jack Savage) Morgan

I don’t know what ya talking about, but I’m not giving you anything.

(Zeb) Luke

*Silent Pause*

Fine, well it looks like we’ll have to do this the hard way then.

Zeb walks back a couple paces. Sudden change in atmosphere. Slight camera shake. A dark mystic shadow thunders to the ground. A sinister tension begins to build. The embodied character slowly approaches Jack with fear.

Character crouches suddenly in front of Jack, looking at him with nothing but a mask on. Deep cybernetic breathing replaces the normal breathing of human for this character.

(Crimson) Alex/Robert


(Jack Savage) James

Not really… who the heck are you?

(Crimson) Alex/Robert

My identity is not of an importance for you.


You’ve seemed to convince yourself to show others apart from us the location to the vault we so desperately desire.

(Jack Savage) Morgan

I don’t usually give things away when I’m getting hunted by a creature in a mask.

Crimson takes a view of his surroundings. Crimson makes sinister eye contact with Jack at this point.

(Crimson) Alex/Robert


I see it… I see what’s going on here. You’re afraid, and sad. Your family, you wish you still had them. They would be very disappointed in you Jack…

(Jack Savage) Morgan

Get out of my head!!

(Crimson) Alex/Robert


Your thoughts betray you. I see where you’ve kept the key, and now you’ll give it to me.

Wind starts to pick up. Actors look to the side and notice that (CHARACTER NAME) has arrived. As Crimson walks a step back Zeb takes a step forward beside Crimson, (CHARACTER NAME) opens the car door slowly walks towards Jack. Quickly crouches down in front of him. They both stare at each other. Shot-reverse shots of their faces. Music continues.

(CHARACTER NAME) suddenly slams Jack to the ground choking him. (CHARACTER NAME) Pulls out gun from jacket pocket. Points gun to Jack’s head.




Camera Shot behind Jack’s back of him triggering a smoke grenade from his watch. Tension builds as music stops. Cloud of thick smoke blinds vision everybody’s vision. Gang members begin to cough.

Short pause. Then a fist fight breaks out as Jack emerges from the smoke. (CHARACTER NAME) drops the necklace which Jack picks up and makes a run for it. (CHARACTER NAME) orders Zeb to run after him.

Crimson makes his escape leaving the others behind.

Scene cuts. Camera in new location.

Transition: CUT


After escaping from his interrogation, a tracking shot shows that Jack makes a run for it through the forest as he tries to lose Zeb who is hot on his feet. Suddenly, Zeb ends up losing Jack when Zeb reaches a main road. Confused as to where Jack disappeared to, he looks around for him to see where he went.

Zeb turns his head around surprised by how Jack escapes momentarily in a car with the help of another agent of his. Another car from the Syndicate International eventually pulls up beside Zeb and he orders him to drive as fast as he can for that car. Slow motion shots and low angle shots used to show cars escape.

Scene cuts. Camera in new location.

Transition: CUT


With Jack and his agent being the front car and the Syndicate International gang being directly behind them, the car chase begins. Lots shots hanging outside of the car, low angle shots and high angle shots show the car chase in action as the Syndicate are attempting to steal back the clue from which Jack stole from them earlier.

Cross cutting shots of the two cars chasing each other.

     (Zeb) Luke

*Leans out and fires gun at car in front*

Car chase continues with additional close-up shots and two shots of the character’s faces. Scene carries on between 45-60 seconds.

Jack eventually is dropped off by his agent in a location where he is away from the others and quickly runs for the to a viewpoint of where he looks over to see where he is at. The gang members had lost him and drive off with the agent in front thinking that Jack is still in the car.

Jack runs for the edge of the forest turns his head around and continues wondering what he will do next by looking into the distance.

Scene cuts.

Transition: CUT

Jack pulls out of his pocket the clue necklace which he stole from the Syndicate after he broke out a fist fight. He glances at it in mystery as he hears flashbacks of voices from his broken past.

From out of nowhere, Jack could suddenly hear the engine of a high-end car slowly approaches him from around the corner. He realises that it’s (CHARACTER NAME) who has followed the Syndicate International car and realises that this could be the end for him as he is unarmed and out of breath to continue fighting.

(CHARACTER NAME) steps out of the vehicle with aggression and walks his way scarily over to Jack. As Jack raises his hands, he is beaten to the ground by (CHARACTER NAME) who pulls out his gun and has his finger on the trigger.


Give up Jack, this has gone on to far now. Just hand it over already!


(Jack Savage) James

As one man once said, only the strongest… shall live.

Sound of a gunfire. Screen cuts. Leaves audience wondering who is being shot.


Scene cuts. End of film

Transition: CUT



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