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Monday 14 November 2016

Costume Design | Igor

Igor is the character name our main superior antagonist (who is played by Harry Cockayne). Igor is a superior high ranking member of Syndicate International. Igor is on the hunt for Jack Morgan (our main protagonist character) Jack possesses a Swiss vault which Igor wants in order to conqeur. A bounty hunter called 'Crimson' is hired by Igor to hunt down Jack and to bring him to a rural location isolated from everything where Igor's sidekick 'Zeb' interrogates Jack for the Swiss Vault. Just like in most action/adventure films, Igor is played as the superior, powerful villain.

The moodboard above is made by Robert and myself that illustrates what we want our character Igor to look like. We want him to look intimidating, superior and villainous. The suit he will wear is also a typical convention/stereotype of sophisticated criminals in action films such as Agent 47.

Harry Cockayne is our actor for the role of Igor as his physical appearance is perfect for the role (large and intimidating.) He also looks older than he looks (he is currently 16) even though he looks like an 18 year old at least. Harry played a great role in our AS media studies opening sequence so we wanted to use him again for an even more key character in this years A2 media short film.

Harry Cockayne is on the left on this image above.

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