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Thursday 1 December 2016

Costume Designs | Zeb

Zeb, who is a high ranked employee of Igor (the main antagonist character), from Syndicate International. Zab and Igor are the ones who tracked down and captured 'Jack Morgan' for interrogation. Like in many action/adventure films, many antagonist characters have 'sidekicks' which is what the role of Zeb is (a sidekick villain.) Zebs matching physical build makes him appear more superior and threatening towards Jack the main protagonist.

The moodpboard above is what Robert and I have made to illustrate what we want Zeb's character to appear as. Zeb will wear an incredibly similar suit to Igor's so the audience can identify they are together. He will be ordered around by Igor which Zeb will obey and take control of the interrogation until Igor arrives from starting out in the city.

Robert and myself have decided who will be playing the role of this character called Zeb. This actor is called 'Luke Dix' who is a friend of Harry Cockayne (actor of Igor). Luke and Harry have very similar strong physical builds which fit the exact stereotypes off super athletic agents in action films.

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