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Sunday 4 December 2016

First filming attempt

During Thursday morning, we attempted to film our first scene on the top floor of the Princess-hay car park in the city of Exeter. When we arrived, the top floor was isolated with no cars whatsoever in our way or parked nearby. This firstly gave us a good impression as we could now film with no interruptions from the other members of the public. We went straight over to the lift and got Harry (our main actor) to practice coming up the lift in sync to our recording. We all found this hard as it was hard to signal each other when it was safe to come up the lift when there was no one in the way. We tried this many times but the car park was just getting more populated with shoppers so there was more interruptions as the time went on as well as the weather getting worse. 
This indicated to Robert and myself that we needed to quickly come up with another idea of how to film an effective first opening shot around the car park, so we found a great area of the car park where there was an overlook of Exeters more modern area of building structures. This was very scenic and fitted into our film well so we shot some footage in this area of the car park and got excellent results as well as the weather clearing up and getting more sunny.

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