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Monday 21 November 2016

Day 1 | Short Film

Robert and I attempted our first scene of footage on the 18th November 2016 with our main antagonist character 'Igor' played by Harry Cockayne. This scene took place on the top floor of Princesshay Car park in the city of Exeter. This filing day was va very good 'test day' which made myself and Robert experience timing errors, equipment usage and weather changes. The footage we had got was useful for myself and Robert to group together in a rough cut and present to our class audience back at school for some audience feedback.

We were very lucky when we arrived due to there being only us in the car park and no other public  shoppers. SO we weren't disturbed for the first couple of hours. We scripted the day based on the actions from our story-board which was useful. Our rough storyboard included the opening sequence of Harry walking out of a lift which we attempted to film. After several attempts, it started to get busy all around the area and we soon realised that it wasn't easy for us to capture quality footage without people walking into shot. We tried many more times, but more and more shoppers were entering the car park, so we tried some other different shots of harry walking around the floor for a short amount of time, but the weather was starting to get even worse with wind and rain showers.


This short clip is one of the few decent pieces of footage that we managed to record that shows our original opening sequence idea. Robert and I quickly decided to change the idea of using the lift for our opening sequence and introduced a smooth over the shoulder pull over shot for our opening. The weather also got sunnier as the day went on, which was not what we wanted, as it doesn't represent a British gangster film with sunny weather. We wanted gritty weather with a grey sky to illustrate darkness. Our gathered footage we made from this filming day has been presented to our class for audience feedback and has given us some tips for improving and developing our short film.

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