Hello and Welcome to my A2 Media studies blog ! Enjoy exploring my website as I will be constantly updating it every week with lots of media content throughout the year! Media is an important part of our lives as we see it every day on our phones to news papers, media is related everywhere!

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Day 1 | Filming Preparation

From looking at myself and Roberts production schedule we have made recently. We are now organising props, costumes and filming equipment for our first filming day tomorrow starring our main antagonist character 'Igor' (Harry Cockayne) in Exeter.

I firstly made sure I could pick up Harry in the morning so we could get to Exeter to film our first scene as quick as possible before the car park we intend to film in gets too busy with members of the public. Myself and Harry would meet Robert my filming partner in the Exeter car park as it is more convenient. The car I will be driving over there will also be the car we are going to use for Harry to drive in the film which is a 'Mercedes A Class' black vehicle that shows class and wealth. Robert will bring all of the camera/filming equipment with him and I have the responsibility of getting Harry, his costume and ourselves to arrive on time.

The equipment that Robert will be bringing includes:
  • Canon 600D DSLR
  • RODE NTG3 Mic
  • RODE Mic Boom Pole
  • Audio Recorder 
  • iPhone 6s 

Harry was informed by myself and Robert to wear a black suit, tie and smart shoes. This costume choice will illustrate his wealth and sophistication to his criminal character. I also agreed with Robert that I would clean the Mercedes prop car the night before so it would be clean and shiny that will show up nicely on the footage of our short film. Also, the weather was looking slightly unpredictable as it kept changing every day, with a mixture of rain showers and sunny spells. We wanted our footage to be shot on a dry day with not too much sun, so we had to see on the day if the weather was appropriate.

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