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Tuesday 29 November 2016

Costume Design - Crimson

After sketching out Crimsons initial costume designs throughout the first two storyboards, Robert and I have decided there were a couple of features to the design that we wanted to change. We kept the gas mask as it is incredibly iconic part of Crimsons character design visuals. One thing that we were both very unsure on was the clothing look for our character. So we decided to attempt at some brief photo shoots of Robert dressing up in what we wanted Crimson to look like:

The two existing characters that Robert and I have taken inspirations from include Darth Vader from Star Wars due to his deathly darkened threatening costume and voice, and Bane from The Dark Knight due to his life support mask that gives him his iconic look. Images of these two inspirational villain characters are shown above.

The render below follows the same basic design that the original detailed illustration we have made includes. We have taken a lot of influences from Star Wars and how many of the characters wear robes to enhance their characters features as well as their abilities.

Overall, we are very happy with the renders outcome that we have created, however there is one change we are going to make and that is to do with the colour of the clothes Crimson is wearing. We are going to change the colour of white clothing to black as this will illustrate the characters dark/bad side even more as he is indeed a villain in our short film after all.

Finally, we then devoted our idea of Crimsons costume further and added darker colours and longer robes/cloaks to make him look more sinister. This is exactly what we wanted to create and we will use this to model our Crimson villain character in our short film.

The role of Crimson will be played by myself (Alex Muir) as acting is not an issue with this character as all that is needed for myself to do with this character is to 'move about' on set as the speech of this character will be digitally edited.

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