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Thursday 23 June 2016

Looking at student short films

As I have decided to make a short film  , I think it is very important to get inspirations and ideas of what is expected from successful short films. From researching them successfully , I can then make decisions of what short film route is the best to go down and which Robert and myself can be most creative with.


 This student film includes real visual effects, this is a short student action film highly inspired by the work of You tubers. 
I really am impressed with the CGI effects which really enhances the whole film and makes me want to watch more. I am willing to go and research if including these amazing CGI special effects will be possible in Mine and Roberts short film as we feel using these special effects will aid our practical task incredibly.

A short film produced by Forward Productions.
A very short film created for AS Film Studies Coursework 
This film is about a man's sister being abducted on her 17th birthday.
Shot on a Nikon D7000 with a Nikkor 35mm F/1.8G, Sigma 17-70mm F/2.8-4 and a Tokina 12-24mm F/4.
Edited On Adobe Premiere Pro CS6.
I really like how this film includes some first person action which puts the audience in the characters shoes. This also makes the film feel more realistic and enjoyable to watch.

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