Hello and Welcome to my A2 Media studies blog ! Enjoy exploring my website as I will be constantly updating it every week with lots of media content throughout the year! Media is an important part of our lives as we see it every day on our phones to news papers, media is related everywhere!

Sunday 5 June 2016


Welcome to my A2 level Media Studies blog. In my opinion, media has become a whole lot easier to access , especially over social network , where everyone can catch up on the latest news, films , songs product and technology releases. I believe that media has become the window of the world where everyone can interact and see virtually everything that is happening in the world.

From AS level, I have learnt the meanings of a film and what to put into them from the use of codes/conventions to enigmas and signs/symbols. The use of these features help to help have a meaning to the film and to keep the audience interested.

Here is a link to my AS blog

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