As one of our characters in our short film 'Crimson' enters the
short film by transforming down from the sky in a cloud of smoke. Robert and I
needed to decide what three-dimensional animatic rendering software we were
going to use to generate a transparent smoke/cloud template that we could
insert over the intended footage of Crimson entering and leaving the short
film. Robert and I wanted to replicate 'The Death Eater' smoke effect from the
Harry Potter films. So, we decided to use a software called 'Maya' to create
the smoke itself before importing this editable video over to the main editing
software on Roberts system 'Sony Vegas'.
As Robert already had some brief experience with the advanced
software 'Maya', he was able to start with this challenge and complete it after
some technical issues. I helped him decide the correct smoke colour, shape,
size and visuals so it suited the character 'Crimson' when he enters the scene.
The results of this smoke effect animation looked positive and will hopefully
work our very well in our short film.
This video below is an example of a smoke effect render Robert and
I created after some well thought decisions.