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Friday 10 March 2017

Ancillary tasks analysis

To gain some knowledge and experience into film posters, I have decided to research and analyse existing film posters on their certain features that make them successful to the genre they fit into (action adventure.) The first example a well known Batman : The Dark Knight poster that has many conventions of an action/adventure film poster that I would like to adhere into my own. The overall presentation of this poster is excellent with a nice layout of colours, text and signifiers that the audience can relate to.

The next example is of a double pager magazine film spread "The Avengers" which is a film that I like a lot. Despite this articles layout  is not exactly what I want my article to look like , I still like the features included in this piece including the quality image and the different fonts and statistic bars that engage the viewers into reading the article. I think this article looks very professional and definitely is an iconic piece of media work.

 I will now start making my two ancillaries now I have some good ideas which I have taken inspiration from the Avengers magazine article and the Dark Knight film poster.

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