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Thursday 23 March 2017

Short Film - Draft 3 with Audience Feedback

As we now have successfully collected all of the necessary/complete set of footages for our short film, we have now completed a third draft for our audience to view for more feedback and impressions. This showing to the audience of our 3rd film draft was a good process as it gives us time to improve the areas which the audience feel needs work on before the final hand in deadline in May. This 3rd draft also included the inserting of the final car chase scene and tweaking the colour corrections of the footage. The overall feedback from our class audience for our 3rd draft included the following:

  1. Car shot looks exciting and leaves story on cliff hanger.
  2. Colour grading shots are very good.
  3. Film is now looking professional and is flowing smoothly.
  4. Improve the sound levels as they are uneven.

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