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Friday 17 February 2017

Photography shoot for ancillary tasks

For my two ancillary tasks, Robert has agreed to do the same thing to set up a photoshoot with a green screen so we can both take quality photographs of our actors individually for our film poster and double page spread magazine. These posters and magazine pages will help attract the audience to watch out short film. High quality photographs are always used in the majority of action/adventure films just like in 'James Bond', 'Mad Max', 'Harry Potter' and 'Star Wars'. I wish to replicate the conventions of these film posters as they make the subject matter in their posters to be 'the best of quality'.

Robert and I invited Luke (Zeb) and Morgan (Jack) to attend out photoshoot we had set up in the dark room at out school, with their costumes on so we could take photographs of them in different positions/angles. The green screen propped up behind the actors gave us the advantage of easily removing the background out when it came to editing on Adobe Photoshop.

Robert and I took it in turns to take certain photographs of our two actors. We both had different shots we wanted to take for our ancillaries so taking it in turns was a good idea. We based our camera shots/angles on typical action/adventure posters and magazine photographs. These camera shots increased our ideas to create successful and typical posters in the style of action/adventure posters.

Evidence of photographs from raw footage:

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