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Wednesday 8 February 2017

Day 4 | Filming Preparation

Robert and I are currently preparing our 4th filming reshoot day for the interrogation scene as there were some shots which definitely needed improving. Shots that we needed to do again include the shot reverse shot of Morgan and myself staring at each other, as well as Luke staring at Morgan during the interrogation and finally, the introduction shot of my character 'Crimson'. These shots are following the storyboard we have made, but we also wish to experiment with more shots to improve our short film.

The times and costumes we are using for this scene have been acknowledged by all of the actors so they know what to do and when to attend. This filming day is slightly different to the rest as we are filming day 4 on a school day, so we all have to ask for permission to miss a day of lessons to do our short film. I will be bringing the props needed for our film and Robert will be bringing all of the essential filming equipment.

The weather forecast for filming day 4 is basically the same as the last filming day so we are grateful for this, so the footage should look like it is all filmed on the same day for realistic reasons.

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