Hello and Welcome to my A2 Media studies blog ! Enjoy exploring my website as I will be constantly updating it every week with lots of media content throughout the year! Media is an important part of our lives as we see it every day on our phones to news papers, media is related everywhere!

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Test shots

Robert and I thought it would be useful to record some practice footage before the actual car chase with Oliver Hounsel being the stunt driver. The footage we recorded would hopefully replicate what we want to record on the real day of recording (on the 19th March.) We went up to East Hill (our film set) to record some practice shots of the vehicle we are using driving down the road several times with the camera mounted in different places every time. These clips below are a couple of Go Pro recordings of the practice car scenes.

The GO Pro shots were better than the DSLR shots as the DSLR shots were shaky without the image stabilisation feature which the Go Pro did have. We would need to adjust the settings on the Go Pro for the actual day of filming so the wide lens effect doesn't spoil the real footage.

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