Hello and Welcome to my A2 Media studies blog ! Enjoy exploring my website as I will be constantly updating it every week with lots of media content throughout the year! Media is an important part of our lives as we see it every day on our phones to news papers, media is related everywhere!

Saturday 24 September 2016

Titles Workshop - Sion Roe

Last week , our media class was lucky enough to have a titles tutorial workshop on Adobe Premiere Pro by Sion Roe who is a Premiere pro proffessional. He showed us how to create a title sequence which moved and magnified inwards over the top of a clip of film.


The Steps tutorial I recorded: 
  • Drag and drop a video clip into your workspace on Premiere.
  • Create a Title - New - Default still.
  • Make the Title bold for effect.
  • Go to 'Keying' - Click 'Track Matt Key' - drag on Video-1.
  • Go to Video Effects.
  • Click 'Matte Key' - Change from 'None' to 'Video-2' (title.)
  • Go to Video Effects/Effects controls - Motion - Scale.
  • Click the clock - Move timeline scale.
  • Change scale from small to big to create a zoom like animation for your title. 
  • Position - Change to move centre.
Image result for sion roe

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