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Saturday, 24 September 2016

The Student Pitches

During last lesson , each group presented their current ideas and plans for their music video/short film. After each group presented, the audience gave some useful feedback to help the presenters improve their planned piece.

With Myself and Roberts pitch, we talked about what was successful about our AS level main task and what could of been improved. We thought by presenting this information to the class audience, it would get them to understand where we are trying to go with our A2 project. We explained our initial ideas with a mind map and visual images to draw the audiences attention and introduced that we want to focus much harder on prop details, camera shots and character conventions this year.

The audience picked up on the idea of Robert and myself wanting to involve a car chase which the audience said 'could be tricky'. They also said we have top think carefully on what cars to use as the typical car chase ususally involves flashy cars. Some members of the audience also commented on that it would only interest a broader audience of males and females if the actors were familliar and attractive. 
This lead onto the idea of possibly involving female characters being in our short film to really improve the big scale of the target audience. We found that all of these comments and suggestions from the class were very helpful and will definitely help Mine and Roberts planning and preparation for our short film to be successful.

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