Hello and Welcome to my A2 Media studies blog ! Enjoy exploring my website as I will be constantly updating it every week with lots of media content throughout the year! Media is an important part of our lives as we see it every day on our phones to news papers, media is related everywhere!

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Titles Workshop - Sion Roe

Last week , our media class was lucky enough to have a titles tutorial workshop on Adobe Premiere Pro by Sion Roe who is a Premiere pro proffessional. He showed us how to create a title sequence which moved and magnified inwards over the top of a clip of film.


The Steps tutorial I recorded: 
  • Drag and drop a video clip into your workspace on Premiere.
  • Create a Title - New - Default still.
  • Make the Title bold for effect.
  • Go to 'Keying' - Click 'Track Matt Key' - drag on Video-1.
  • Go to Video Effects.
  • Click 'Matte Key' - Change from 'None' to 'Video-2' (title.)
  • Go to Video Effects/Effects controls - Motion - Scale.
  • Click the clock - Move timeline scale.
  • Change scale from small to big to create a zoom like animation for your title. 
  • Position - Change to move centre.
Image result for sion roe

The Student Pitches


During last lesson , each group presented their current ideas and plans for their music video/short film. After each group presented, the audience gave some useful feedback to help the presenters improve their planned piece.

With Myself and Roberts pitch, we talked about what was successful about our AS level main task and what could of been improved. We thought by presenting this information to the class audience, it would get them to understand where we are trying to go with our A2 project. We explained our initial ideas with a mind map and visual images to draw the audiences attention and introduced that we want to focus much harder on prop details, camera shots and character conventions this year.

The audience picked up on the idea of Robert and myself wanting to involve a car chase which the audience said 'could be tricky'. They also said we have top think carefully on what cars to use as the typical car chase ususally involves flashy cars. Some members of the audience also commented on that it would only interest a broader audience of males and females if the actors were familliar and attractive. 
This lead onto the idea of possibly involving female characters being in our short film to really improve the big scale of the target audience. We found that all of these comments and suggestions from the class were very helpful and will definitely help Mine and Roberts planning and preparation for our short film to be successful.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Deconstruction of similar texts exploring their codes and conventions from the Action/Adventure genre

These are two of my own chosen films that are of the same genre of what Robert and myself are going to base our own short film on. These two films are called 'Mad Max' and 'Inception' which are both action/adventure genre based films.

  • 12/15 certificate, maximising youth audiences
  • High production values including CGI FX. Fast paced editing
  • Predictable chain of events – cause and effect
  • Dramatic non-diegetic sound
  • Star Marketing: Audience identification/expectations
  • Use of close up/Insert shots/High Key Lighting
  • Dominant representation of gender
  • A fast moving narrative with constant setbacks that are overcome one by one , leading to fairly complex plots.
  • Exotic locations where the characters have to contend with extremes of climate, aswell as evil forces.

  •  Inception is an action/thriller as it leaves the audience wanting more, they want to know more about how about how they can enter dreams and steal information.
  •  Includes names of famous actors and directors to attract the audience including 'Christopher Nolan'.
  •  The target audience for this film are teenagers and young adults.
  •   The interior of the building in this scene of Inception seems to look wealthy with pillars, gloss tables and all of the characters are wearing very formal clothing including dresses and suits.
  •  There are also weapons involved including guns which remind us that this is part of an action genre.
  •  As the film has several scenes of destruction, the film must have high production values which tells the audience thats its worth a watch.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Analysing a section of a movie clip

Kingsman: The secret service - Fight scene 

The Kingsman movie is a graphic novel directed by Matthew Vaughn and has the conventions of a spy film as well as comic senses. The pub fight scene is a good example of what the Kingsman film as a whole is about and why it is a good post modern film.
The orchestral suspense background music which interacts with the actions of the characters illustrates that this is a convention of a spy film. The action violence also backs this statement up of a spy film very well as well as the film having comic book senses due to the slow motion parts which would typically appear in 'Marvel' comic book inspired films.

The slow motion parts in the pub also show that the Kingsman character 'Harry' having 'Matrix' style moves which shows that the director has been inspired by features of the Matrix film. The setting of the pub overall looks like the typical Eastenders setting in London.

The strong use of violent punching sounds, smashing props and fictional props (including the bulletproof umbrella) also links to the comic book senses of the film including the fast paced editing which shows the rapid pace of the fight which is very effective.

What Robert and myself have noticed throughout the Kingsman film is that there are many shots that show the shallow depth of field.

We want to include many shots like this to achieve a film look , if we just used a flat image , our film would look similar to a documentary.

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