Alex Muir's A2 Level Media Blog!

Hello and Welcome to my A2 Media studies blog ! Enjoy exploring my website as I will be constantly updating it every week with lots of media content throughout the year! Media is an important part of our lives as we see it every day on our phones to news papers, media is related everywhere!

Sunday 7 May 2017

Final post

This final post identifies that this is the end of my A2 media studies coursework. I feel that I have covered everything I need to post about the progression of my A2 media coursework. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning and studying the course every week especially as it has taught me how to showcase, plan my work, use technical equipment properly, how to identify conventions of certain film genres and how to effectively time manage my work. My knowledge has also massively improved on codes and conventions on media theory and has made myself become a more creative person that is thoroughly proud of the work I have accomplished this year.

Saturday 6 May 2017

Saturday 25 March 2017

Friday 24 March 2017

Final finished Short Film

After thorough editing and final touches, Robert and I have finished our A level media short film that consists of 5 minutes. This final version of our film includes improvements with the sound levels, visual effects, crisp editing and an improved car escape scene. Robert, myself and all of our cast/actors are very proud of the work we have produced and we are all looking forward for showing our official short film to our audiences.

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